

The HCH on-site clinic is the only one in our local community.

All of the health care providers are Haitian nationals who have a deep desire to improve the public health of the area through education and direct patient care.

The HCH Clinic provides preventive care and sick visit care to all of its students, staff and the surrounding community. There are trained medical staff available every weekday. We also have a basic lab to provide access to necessary tests that may not be otherwise available.

Students get annual exams by the physician. We track their height/weight and nutritional status. We will not turn any patient away and provide whatever services possible including histories, exams, medications, and basic lab work.

We have an onsite pharmacy to provide prescriptions as needed.

Your donations toward our clinic ensure our impoverished area of Haiti has access to modern healthcare. Many Haitians suffer without care or seek out witch doctors for treatment. You’re also providing education to our community about the benefits of seeking medical care before it’s an emergency.

Give a one-time or monthly gift to the medical clinic and note “Medical Clinic.”

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