
June 2021 Newsletter

June 2021 Newsletter

June 2021 Greetings Friends! It’s hard to believe HCH started 9 years ago with 18 children meeting in Bersoney and Milleane’s humble home and yard after the devastating 2010 earthquake. Bersoney and Milleane were living in a temporary plywood house, as theirs had been...

May 2021 Newsletter

May 2021 Newsletter

May 2021  Greetings in Jesus Name! It is humbling to be working with our Team in Haiti. Their prayers and healing in my life have been a very big part of the 7 year journey I have been on. I have been chemo-free for 2 years today. Praise God. Thanks to our USA Team as...

April 2021 Newsletter – Happy Easter!

April 2021 Newsletter – Happy Easter!

Greetings from Haiti’s Children’s Hope! Thank God for Easter and for another year to serve Him during our 9th year of HCH! 2021 continues as we educate and feed children, making a difference in their lives and that of the community. We live the vision of loving and...

March 2021 Newsletter – Jacob’s Haiti Visit

March 2021 Newsletter – Jacob’s Haiti Visit

MARCH 8, 2021 HAITI’S CHILDREN'S HOPE           Greetings! I hope this finds you well. I just came back from Haiti last Wednesday & have lots of updates for you.  In spite of the many challenges and dangers, our Haitian Team continues to love and serve children in...

December 1, 2020 Newsletter

December 1, 2020 Newsletter

December 1, 2020 Happy Holidays!!! HCHO exists to meet spiritual, nutritional, educational, social, and medical needs of Haitian Children in Morne Barbeau and Destra areas. Thanks for your prayers and financial contributions to each of these areas! We are in our 9th...

HCH Farm Update // Fall 2020

HCH Farm Update // Fall 2020

Greetings! I’m excited to share with you a new opportunity for HCH! We are prayerfully moving toward the purchase of a local farm. At HCH, the purchase of food is currently our highest budget item. I thank God for our daily meal programs where children have access to...

October 1, 2020 Newsletter

October 1, 2020 Newsletter

October 1, 2020 We are loving having our students in school and we are very excited to add the 7th grade this November! Have you felt a tug on your heart to provide for someone in need? Have you talked with someone who might want to get involved in bringing hope to a...

September 1, 2020 Newsletter

September 1, 2020 Newsletter

September 1, 2020 Haiti’s Children’s Hope School resumed August 10, 2020 and we are thankful! The end of July was full of meetings with the teachers, staff, and administration as they prepared for a year full of unusual circumstances. We also held meetings with the...

Summer HCHO 2020

Summer HCHO 2020

Haiti's Children's Hope is celebrating 8 years of sharing and loving children in Morne Barbeau, Haiti. We have seen Haitians making a difference, with a little help from their friends in the USA. God has blessed our mountain community and beyond, because of vision,...

Haiti in Crisis 2020

Haiti in Crisis 2020

Updated: Mar 27 The March 2020 headlines are daunting: Coronavirus. Gangs. Kidnappings. Shootings. Murders. Political Unrest. National Level 4 Security Warning for Haiti. Yet, God is good. All the time. In spite of the difficult challenges the country is battling we...

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